Seriously Slushy 100ml
Berry Watermelon by Seriously Slushy delivers a tropical taste of exotic fruits. The juicy taste of strawberries with watermelon and a la...
Mixed Berries by Seriously Slushy features fruity flavours. A trio of red berries, blueberries and blackberries deliver a juicy taste wit...
Lemon Lime by Seriously Slushy is a sharp blend that features the bold taste of citrus fruits. A sweet and sour mix of lemon and lime wit...
Grape Soda by Seriously Slushy brings you the American soda taste with a cool twist. Dark grape combined with a fizzy soda flavour, compl...
Raspberry Tangerine by Seriously Slushy mixes forest and exotic fruits, for a complex vape. The tangy taste of raspberries is given a sha...
Lime Berry by Seriously Slushy is a complex fruit blend. The taste of mixed berries creates a juicy taste, complemented by lemon sorbet a...