Doozy Desserts 50ml
A perfect blend for the ultimate dessert vape. You will pick up the sweet vanilla custard & light pastry, drizzled with syrup, topped...
Dream Shake is an Award Winning Best chocolate flavour e-liquid for our luxurious chocolate cookie milkshake. All of the tastiness with z...
Golden Elixir by Doozy Vape Co. is a tobacco blend with a robust tobacco consistent throughout, along with notes of caramel, toffee, and ...
Greek Delight by Doozy Vape Co. is a dessert blend with strong notes of sweetness. A buttery Greek pastry with a sugary syrup and a cream...
Berry Pie is a pastry crumble with a smooth satisfying blend of berry and cinnamon that oozes warmth and flavour. Available in 50ml with ...