Baccy Roots 50ml
Kentucky Leaf flue-cured tobacco is blended with strong but smooth bourbon notes for a sweet, mid-range tobacco flavour with a slightly r...
This vintage blend packs a robust punch of tobacco with the taste with hints of maple syrup and biscuit sweetness. Available in 50ml with...
A classic RY4 with a robust base mixed with caramel and vanilla to create a warm all day vape that harks back to its Chinese roots with a...
A rich tobacco blend that manages to entice and surprise people who don’t do tobacco. The secret is dark tobacco notes combined with cogn...
Notes of perique, Cuban and Nicaraguan tobacco create a deep, earthy and realistic taste rounded off with hints of nut, dark chocolate an...
Toasted tobacco leaves blend seamlessly with creamy milk, thick honey and a sweet caramel finish for one of the sweetest smokes around. A...